A Slimmer, More Defined Look

“Baby face”. “Chipmunk cheeks”. “Cabbage Patch Kid”. Have you ever been called these names? Many individuals who have full cheeks are familiar with them. A common reason why the face can appear overly round and childlike is because of the buccal fat pads.

These pockets of fat can be found under the cheekbones on either side of the mouth. When these buccal fat pads are removed or reduced, the result is a more defined facial contour and more prominent cheekbones. Dr.Frankel is among one of the best for buccal fat pad removal in Mayfield Heights.

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Buccal Fat Pads

Everyone has buccal fat pads, but in some people these fat pads are simply more prominent. Genetics play a big part in this, which makes the condition additionally frustrating because when conditions are genetic, they’re harder to change with diet and exercise. The buccal fat pads can be removed from inside the mouth in a convenient procedure performed at Frankel Facial Plastic Surgery in Cleveland — buccal fat pad removal.

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What Happens During the Procedure?

Our Buccal fat pad removal in Cleveland is performed under local anesthesia and takes about half an hour. Before the procedure begins, you will be injected on the sides of your mouth with local anesthesia to keep you comfortable. Dr. Frankel will make the incision within the inner portion of your cheek, and will proceed to carefully separate the muscle from the buccal fat pad. He will then either reduce the fat pad or remove it. Once completed, the incision is closed with sutures. Dr. Frankel will then do the same to the other cheek. 

Recovery and Results

Recovery from buccal fat pad reduction involves swelling and mild discomfort for up to two weeks, but typically there is no bruising. Stitches are removed in about 7 days, and a special diet of soft and non-acidic liquid foods is recommended during recovery. You should sleep with your head elevated as you heal, and we may also recommend frequent cleaning of the mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash to stop infection. 

Early results are sometimes visible in 1-2 weeks, but it may take up to four months to see final results. Some patients become concerned because the swelling makes their cheeks look even bigger, but don’t worry. This is normal, and the swelling will subside.

Once the results are finalized, you will notice that your cheeks are much slimmer, contoured, and more defined than they were before.

Schedule a Consultation

(216) 399-9550

Candidates for Buccal Fat Reduction

  • Are unhappy with the fullness of their cheeks
  • Are at a stable, healthy weight
  • Do not have progressive hemifacial atrophy (Parry-Romberg syndrome)
  • Are non-smokers in overall good health
  • Are at a suitable age for the procedure
  • Have realistic expectations for what the procedure can do
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Why Choose Frankel Facial Plastic Surgery?

Jonathan Frankel, MD, is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon in the Cleveland and Mayfield Heights area. He specializes in facial rejuvenation and rhinoplasty, and he provides excellent results at a good value. Our premier cosmetic and facial plastic surgery practice strives to exceed patient expectations and provide exceptional care in a warm and personable environment. We treat our patients with the utmost respect, and always value the trust patients place with us. 

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Are the results permanent?

How old do I have to be to get buccal fat reduction?

Are the results permanent?

Results of buccal fat reduction are permanent, but if you gain weight in the future, your cheeks may appear to become round and full again.

How old do I have to be to get buccal fat reduction?

Although buccal fat reduction can technically be performed at any age, you shouldn’t have it done too early. Facial fat begins to decrease in the 20s and 30s, and if you have this procedure done too soon, it could result in you having a “hollowed out” appearance when you’re a little older.

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